Rod Dembowski was one of earliest supporters in January 2015. He gave his "strong and unequivocal support for OneBothell's efforts to work with local, regional, and state governments and organizations to acquire, preserve, and protect all land currently operating as Wayne Golf Course in Bothell"
Rosemary McAuliffe is one of our earliest supporters and now a OneBothell board member. She stated in January 2015 that "We must leave a legacy of preserving Wayne land and surrounding open spaces for our next generation."
Derek Standford gave his support in March 2015. He said, "I fully support the efforts of OneBothell to make this recreational and nature corridor a reality."
Andy Rheaume gave his support in February 2015. He described it as "a huge opportunity for creation of public access to state shorelines, restoration of salmon habitat, and creation of a regionally significant recreational hub inside the urban growth boundary."
Davina Duerr was a long time supporter before she joined the council. She sent her endorsement in July 2016, stating, "As a citizen of Bothell, I find it truly remarkable what OneBothell has been able to accomplish by partnering with Forterra to save Wayne Golf Course from development. This grassroots organization was able to rally support region-wide amongst citizens, conservation groups, and government officials at the municipal as well as state level. All of this happened in less than a year!"
James McNeal was one of the founders of OneBothell and continues to be a great supporter of our work as a Bothell City Council Member. Patiently iterating the compelling reasons to preserve open space, he has become an iconic ambassador for the cause and vision of OneBothell.
Tom Agnew sent us a letter of support in February 2015 in which he stated, "I fully support the efforts of OneBothell. To preserve the Wayne Golf Course and promote the use of open spaces in the Bothell Area for the foreseeable future should be a goal of us all."
Tris Samberg sent a letter of support in February 2015, in which she stated "the acquisition of the entire Wayne Golf Course will allow citizens from throughout the region to understand, appreciate, and connect with their natural environment."
Eric Adman's wrote in his letter of March 2015, "Acquisition and preservation of open space in the Cedar-Sammamish-Lake Washington watershed is one of the highest priority goals in local salmon recovery efforts. This is a unique opportunity to preserve such a significant parcel of open space in the urban area."
Larry Phillips sent his support In March 2015 on behalf of the Lake Washington / Cedar / Sammamish Watershed (WRIA 8) Salmon Recovery Council. He said "Acquisition of the Wayne Golf Course is a rare opportunity to protect substantial acreage in a primarily urban area, and protection would provide a significant opportunity to implement the restoration priorities identified in the WRIA 8 Plan on a large scale."
Terry Ryan stated in March 2015, "The acquisition of this property has direct impact in regionally significant habitat and would provide the opportunity to restore water quality and key wetlands for fish and wildlife to the benefit of both King and Snohomish Counties."
Del Spivey gave his support in December 2015, "I believe and support the current plan OneBothell and Forterra have to obtain and preserve this open space for the citizens of the Puget Sound area to enjoy in active outdoor play."
WRIA 8 gave their support in February 2015. They stated, "Protection of the Wayne Golf Course would contribute significantly to WRIA 8 and Puget Sound salmon and ecosystem recovery objectives, and we support efforts to acquire this property where habitat protection and restoration are the primary objectives. "
If you would like to add your endorsement pleaseĀ contact us.