True to her open door policy, Senator Rosemary <a href="http://pwdnutrition go to this”>by McAuliffe welcomed wholesale jerseys eleven of us into her office to discuss the importance of Gallery  Wayne land as a recreational corridor.

Our cause resonated with the Senator. She talked at length about how important parks and the environment are to her, as well as the educational value they provide to the citizens of Bothell.

The Senator went on to provide examples of where the community has been successful in preserving land, told us the importance of building the OneBothell community and pointed us to resources to research going forward.

Most significantly, Senator Rosemary McAuliffe scheduled a follow up meeting with her and two other state representatives to discuss a recommendation for appropriation budget funding.

Her office has continued to be supportive since our meeting and we’re extremely grateful for the time they’ve provided.

Senator Rosemary McAuliffe’s sent us a statement:

“Parks and Open Spaces are of great value to our families and communities. Outdoor recreation improves school performance for our children and improves fitness and health for our families. Investing in open spaces and parks has economic benefits for our communities and State. Outdoor recreation creates 200,000 jobs and generates $2B in local and State taxes. We must leave a legacy of preserving Wayne land and surrounding mundo! open spaces for our next generation”