River Sunset photo

This month come join us for a walk and talk about salmon led by our own Dr. Jeff Jensen. The numbers and variety of salmon in the Lake Washington basin is just a small fraction of what it was 50 years ago. And yet, the longer history of Lake Washington reveals a very different picture of salmon in Lake Washington from what we see now or (for those of us who are old enough) remember from our youth. This walk will include an overview of that history, a discussion of the current status of salmon in the basin, and a look to a possible future that more resembles the state of salmon in the basin before the urbanization and basin engineering of the 20th century.

Note: We are meeting on Sunday and not Saturday, the morning of Halloween.

We’ll be starting at Blyth Park and walk over to the Park at Wayne from there: Here are the directions to Blyth Park.

Date: October 31

We will start at 10 a.m.

 All ages are welcome, as are dogs on leash. We will be following King County COVID guidelines.

Also, if you are interested in improving salmon habitat at the new park, please join us for Orca Day on October 16 with Whale Scout. Click here for details.

Over the next few months, we’ll be working on some more exciting walks. The schedule is tentative. Walks are the last Saturday of every month at 10 a.m.

  • November 27, a repeat of the geology talk since the heat in June kept many people away.
  • December…no walk.
  • January 29, possibly a bird walk.