Just a few minutes of your time can make a difference! Nearly two years ago, OneBothell and its partners received interim funding from Forterra to delay development of Wayne Golf Course.  Now is our chance to make the protection permanent by asking the Bothell City Council and state legislature to complete the final funding package.

Here’s what YOU can do—

ATTEND the Bothell City Council Meeting* on Tuesday, June 20, when the definitive council vote will take place!  Please be at City Hall at 6 p.m. Members of the public will be given three minutes to speak, but even if you don’t want to speak, your presence at the meeting conveys a loud message!  Let’s have standing-room-only in the chambers as the Council VOTES on whether to proceed with funding the purchase by the end of the year.  If you cannot attend, please spend a couple of minutes to email City Council members to have your say. Click here for details.

CONTACT  your state legislators** and urge them to support funding for the Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program, the Aquatic Lands Enhancement Account, and the Floodplains by Design program at high enough levels to fund the Wayne-Sammamish Regional Park grant proposals.  Again, just a few minutes of your time can make a huge difference. Click here for instructions.

 * Let’s pack the council chamber on the 20th, so our local and state government will see the value our community places on this purchase! OneBothell will be there early, so we can answer questions about the status of the project, and share the summary of public input received so far on how to use the land once it is in public ownership.

**Six million dollars has been raised already thanks to people like you. This has come from the outside the city, and the state legislature is considering funding for additional grant programs that would support the acquisition of the land.